AnalogicyX is there to support Modular music, so all subscribers will be promoted (on regular basis) via:
– Facebook
– Twiiter
– Instagram
– Soundcloud
– Modular events
– Labels
– Organisations that are focussing on Modular Music
– Newsletters and magazine.
For some subscribers the AnalogicyX page works as a one page website, covering all links and the most important information.
Having a “own” webpage will be more key in the furure since socials like FB, Inst, Twitt, etc change their rules all the time. Creating an own website is expensive (beside the domain, webspace, SSL is required to).
As AnalogicyX gets bigger it will become a go to website for all who are looking for a specific Modular act, shop, event, ……..
Being part of AnalogicyX supports the Modular community.
The relative small amount for the subscription covers the costs of the platform & promotion.
Q: “How can I use “Custom links”?”
A: You can use a custom link “as an artist to a label that releases your music” or “as a knowledge organisation to link the venue”.
Important that the link has “https://” otherwise we cannot use the link!
We check al links before they will be used on AnalogicyX.
Q: “What does featured promotion mean?”
A: Featured accounts are chosen randomly on each page for each category of subscription: refreshing a page or visiting a new page a new collection will appear.
Q: “Can I upgrade?”
A: Yes, use the contact form to sent your upgrade request.
An email will be sent to the admin of your account with a link, password and order-number. Us the form to fill out the received info and use the PayPal knob to pay (please use the order number as payment reference).
As soon as the payment is booked you receive (within 2 working days) a pass word & ordernummer + a link to a protected page where you can add the data required for an upgrade. Within 2 working days your upgraded page is online (and we let you know of course).
The price of an upgrade is the difference between the option you have now and the one after upgrading.