AnalogicyX offers various subscription types for artists/bands, labels, shops, events/organisation, knowledge, brands/makers & venues; each type of subscription offers different options, check all options and choose the one that fits the most.
Subscription to one of the types requires that modular gear is a key element within category; AnalogicyX will check if a subscription is valid based on the requirement that “modular gear is a key element”. For example: a shop needs to have easy to find “modular links”, a label needs to have a “modular category” or an events needs “modular artists/bands” to be part of the line up.
Subscription categories are:
Specific or general questions:
A random featured selection…
Featured artists/bands –>
Featured labels –>
Featured shops –>
Featured events/organisations –>
Featured knowledge –>
Featured brands/makers –>
Featured studios –>
Featured venues –>